The topic of money or more precisely how to save your money has been overblown, made to be so much more complicated than it is. If you hop on the internet and look up how to save money you will be barraged with offers for high interest rates savings, investment funds and all sorts of people saying they are the best money managers in the world.
But when you get right down to it all the that is just noise and that noise stops you from hearing the simple truth about how to save money. The simple truth about how to save money can be summed up into two phrases · Pay yourself first · Don’t spend more than you make. It is really that simple
Summer is of course gardening season and if you manage to get a bountiful harvest despite all the things that would set you back you need someway to save all of this produce. To that end I will be presenting you the definitive guide to preserving all sorts of food from the garden. Just kidding….. There is no way that I could cover all the things that could and should be done to safely preserve food. The knowledge of how to do this fills bookshelves in stores and your local library and all I will attempt to do here is give you a basic overview of the 4 most common types of food preservation. Below you will find a link to a article from the Vox website going over the findings of a report released by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) on how we need to change our land use practices to help combat climate change.
The moral of the story is that we in the Western world can no longer live like we do and we have to provide the developing world a different model to aspire to. If everyone on the planet lived like us we are screwed as a modern civilization. This report is yet another call from those who understand the problem that we need to change. It time to pull our collective heads out of the sand and start to use them. So get out there and plant tree, grow a garden, ditch you car as much as possible and try to eat more vegetables it is better for you and the planet. Now here is a record to be proud of. I we could aspire to Ethipoas standards when it come to environmental policy and just general give a crap we would all live in a much better world.
There is a link to the article below hope you enjoy it as much as I did. |
AuthorHello my name is Josh Larson and I am the creator of the Green Living Library. Here on the blog you will find updates to content found in the Green Living Library as well as stories from those living the sustainable life already. Archives
December 2021